Bowing Ceremony

Sensei calls everyone to line up for the start and end of the lesson by calling Shugo! (line up!)

When everyone is in place, Sensei says Ky-ot-zuke (Kee-yot-sukay) everyone stands to attention with heels together, toes apart in a ‘V’, with hands by sides.

Sensei kneels - controlled lowering to ‘hunkers’, placing left knee on the floor then right knee on the floor, in a controlled manner.

Senior grade calls Seiza! (Say-zah!)

Everyone kneels - ideally from highest grade to lowest, like a mini Mexican wave 😊.

Senior grade calls Mokuso! (Moxo!) 

Everyone closes their eyes to meditate on the lesson to come, and to attain focus.

After a quiet count of about 8 seconds… Senior grade calls Mokuso Yame!!! (Moxo Yamay!)

Everyone opens their eyes.

Senior grade calls Sensei ni-rei! (Sensay nee ray! - means sensei we bow)

Everyone bows, including the Sensei - left hand to the floor then right hand to the floor to form a diamond with forefingers and thumbs, head touches the hands and everyone says Osu (Oss). Everyone sits up with straight back, immediately. 

(All black belts to the right of the Sensei should turn to face the Sensei directly before bowing).

Senior grade calls Sensei Otaga-ni-rei! (Oh-tah-gah nee ray! - means we (the students) bow to each other)

All students bow - left hand to the floor then right hand to the floor to form a diamond, head touches the hands and everyone says Osu (Oss). Everyone sits up with straight back, immediately.

Sensei stands by stepping up on the right foot, then stepping back on the left, joined by the right, so feet are in a ‘V’ again.

Everyone bows (from the waist), and either the warm up starts the lesson or the students disperse at the end of the lesson.