Belts & Gradings


How do Gradings work?

To be eligible for your first grading, students must train for a minimum of 2-3 months.

A minimum of 3 months must be left between grading for 10th Kyu to 4th Kyu.

A minimum of 6 months must be left between grading for 3rd Kyu to 1st Kyu.

Time between Dan Grading is equivalent to the grade being taken: i.e.
Shodan-Nidan (1st-2nd Dan) = 2 years
Nidan-Sandan (2nd-3rd Dan) = 3 years


Grading Outcomes:

Students can be given any of the following results to their grading
from 10th Kyu to 4th Kyu (White to Purple/White Belt):

  • Fail - The student must wait a further period of time as indicated by the grading examiner, before re-grading

  • Striped Belt Pass - The student has passed 2-3 out of the 4 sections (Kihon, Kata, Kumite and Self Defence) needed to fully pass their grading.

  • Full Belt Pass - The student has completed all 4 sections of their grading up to the standard expected

  • Distinction - The student has completed all 4 sections of their grading and exceeded the standards expected of them (Students who receive a distinction may be able take their next grading sooner if their ability and commitment shows so - Sensei's will decide this on an individual basis)

From 3rd Kyu (Brown Belts) upwards, students can only be given two results:

  • Fail - The student must wait a further period of time as indicated by the grading examiner, before re-grading

  • Pass - The student has completed all 4 sections of their grading to the standard expected.


Please see our calendar page for dates of gradings.