Yellow - 7th kyu


In zenkutsu dachi (front stance):

Sanbon tsuki (3 punches) x4 forwards, mawatte (turn)

Gedan barai (downward block), gyaku tsuki (reverse punch) in zenkutsu dachi (front stance) x4 forwards, mawatte (turn)

Soto uke (outside block), yoko empi (elbow strike) in kiba dachi (side stance) x4 forwards

Age uke (rising block), gyaku tsuki (reverse punch) x4 backwards

From kokutsu dachi (back stance):

Uchi uke (inside block), Heito (in zenkustu dachi) x4 forwards mawatte (turn)

Shuto uke (knife hand block), nukite (reverse knife hand strike) in zenkutsu dachi (front stance) x4 forwards


Jiyu no kamae (freestyle hands) in zenkutsu dachi (front stance):

Chudan mae geri (front kick with back leg to stomach), same hand oi tsuki (stepping punch) x4 mawatte (turn)

Mawashi geri (roundhouse kick) stepping forward x4, mawatte

From kiba dachi (side stance):

Step up yoko geri keage (snap kick), step through yoko geri kekomi (thrust kick) x2 forwards mawatte (turn)




Heian Shodan

Heian Nidan

Heian Sandan



(Pulsing on the spot)


Kizame tsuki (front hand punch), gyaku tsuki (reverse punch) both legs x10

Kizame tsuki, gyaku tsuki, mawashi geri (roundhouse kick with back leg) both legs x10

Mawashi geri (roundhouse kick with back leg), gyaku tsuki (reverse punch) alternating legs x10



Gyaku tsuki (reverse punch) only, no face only body


Self Defence 

  • Hikite
  • Rising block
  • Outside block